Monday, May 11, 2009

Guns and Gays: Issues of Our Times That Are More Important Than the Economy

I've been reading Decatur's local publication The Herald & Review over the last hour or so while I've been ripping CDs. A story ran front page about a mental patient in Minnesota (St. Paul, to be precise) who is combating ECT. He has a history of savage bi-polarism and is fighting for his rights now that he says he is "remisced". ECT stands for electrico-convulsive therapy.

Basically, the crazy is being shocked out him. But after forty or so sessions, the gentleman (who is prone to violence, spasms, and fecal bombardment) considers the treatments to be unneccesary. He knows that his illness is a problem, but feels that electro-convulsive therapy is not the answer any longer. At first, he was treated a few times a week; now he's zapped once a month. He thinks this is still too much. He isn't a doctor, but he knows what's best. People have gathered at the state capitol to protest in the patient's favor. They aren't doctors, but they know what's best. The spirit of the 1960s is long dead, these schmucks just don't know it. Posuers are all over, and they're just as hilariously oblivious as the kids shopping at Hot Topic. America sure is great: even empty-headed blow-hards can express their ideas. Compassion is a wonderful thing, no?

The Herald & Review also ran a story concerning extra-curricular activities in schools and their effects on students lives. My old drama and music teachers were interviews, Mark Waller and Jim Culbertson. Both of them are retired, but still plug away at their respective posts at Douglas MacArthur High School. Waller can't let the drama program go under like so much Leonardo DiCaprio characters, and Culbertson doesn't trust any one else to lead his beloved Jazz Band. They made a record for Christ's sake; I own it.

As cynical as I sound, I am quite proud of them...I haven't anything else to say about this.

There was an editorial about gay marriage, as well. The fellow was a propponent of same-sex marriage. I agreed with what he had to say. Obama shouldn't be such a pussy on such an insignificant issue. Just say, 'Gays can be legally married - NEXT!' and be done with it, yeah? It really isn't that hard. Fuck the Conservatives. Fuck FOX News. If they don't like the fags getting married, let them do something about it. Let them revolt. It's as American as apple-pie. And butt sex.

I could not access through Panera Bread's web-browser. I wonder why? Neither can I access the Ku Klux Klan home-page. I suppose that's a good thing. The Anti-Defamation League website is accessable, though. Goddammned Jews.

Decaffienated coffee isn't so bad. I've just had to search twelve years to find a blend I can tolerate. Panera's is a bit of alright.

Ronald Reagan was full of one-liners, then he was full of Alzheimer's Disease.

This is an actual transcirption from "After Richard Nixon's resignation in 1974, the weak Gerald Ford became president, and Reagan challenged him in the 1976 Republican Party primaries." I'm glad such a prevalent bi-partisan voice is out there spreading the word. But maybe, just maybe, Ford wasn't weak. What if was just a foot-ball player who was lucky enough to fail upwards into the White House? What about that?

No - he was weak after all? Okay. I'll accept that.

Speaking of CDs, I just may be a converted fan of Against Me!. I checked out their Searching For a Former Clarity and New Wave albums from the library and they borth kick a whole lot of ass. New Wave comes with a DVD as well, and amongst the playlist is "Bastards of Young". I'm going to enjoy the hell out of watching that performance...I hope.

Against Me! is better than Rise Against. They are the best at being "against" something. The vocalist guy shouts instead of "roars". The guitars are better. The arrangements make more sense. The songs are better. They don't sound like they're trying to be political. As a matter of fact, there's a song on Searching... about the futility of protest songs. It's called "White People For Peace". Good stuff, maynard.

Yesterday, I heard a musak version of "Gangster's Paradise" by Coolio over the sound system. Now they're playing "Ain't No Sunshine" by Bill Withers. The main melody is played by a flute. Elevators and yuppy coffee-shops should be mandated to play Iron Maiden, or Captain Beefheart, or Naplam Death, or Ministry, or Black Flag, or Captain and Taneil: really bad music, or really bizarre music. Not really ordinary music. Shit.

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