Thursday, June 20, 2013

Fuck You: 2013's First Few Great Albums, Part Seven

7. Nails - Abandon All Life

"A nail is a horn-like envelope covering the dorsal aspect of the terminal phalanges of fingers and toes in humans, most non-human primates, and a few other mammals."

"Generally nails have a point on one end and a head on the other. Formerly wrought iron, today's nails are typically made of steel..." here to read what this cat has to say. Otherwise, your guess is as good as mine. I have no idea what Todd Jones is saying; but the rest of the band sure as shit does. Nails have hit the proverbial head. What a mother-fucking row-of-a-time this little record is, my god. Misanthropic rock just keeps getting better, in my opinion. I've faith in the future of American underground thanks to Nails; and others, of course - but Nails drive that shit home, son. Genre-mates Hellmouth have taken a hiatus; Daughters are still on the fence; Trap Them are working on a new record...forever; and KEN Mode are Canadian (their March release Entrench will still find its way into this blog, no doubt). Nails are definitely the fore-runners in this aggressive, anti-social style of American-made muzak. And since did nothing to auto-correct my use of the word muzak, I'll just accept the substantiation of my warmth toward said "misanthropic rock." Language is important; love is important; kindness is important. Pride is important; humility is important; community is important. And when none of these things are presented, reciprocated, or even considered in an America that was supposed to be a new America, liberated from greed and apathy and malevolence, Nails are there to remind you. And they have the best advice for these worries: "Fuck you, mother fucker. And the horse you rode in on..."


I love this record. Anger - yes. Energy - yes. Hate - no. Well...yes...but

...well, at least the riffs kick ass. If this is what Fred Smith, Rob Tyner, Joey Ramone, and Ike Turner died for, then I'm all for it. Speaking your mind without presumption or anxiety is what rock-and-roll is all about, goddammit.


Highlights include "Abandon All Life," Suum Cuique," and "Tyrant." Think Pantera meets Entombed with a little Bolt Thrower thrown in for good measure. This record is not for the weak of heart. Otherwise, it was nice knowing ya'...

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