Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Return of the Daughter of the Son of Tyranosaurus Rex

There is a monster somewhere...

And when the monster makes itself seen, not just lurking behind planes of shadow and mystery, the audience is less likely to be afraid.

So it should never come as surprise when something like this happens.

For some reason I am reminded of the ancient samurai tradition of hara-kiri, the act of seppuku, or ritual suicide. If the knight were to fail his task, or border on the cusp of capture, it was his honorable duty to end his own life before facing defeat.

Now, the Tea Party has acted more like an alarmed boyfriend by pulling out at the very last second; but at least they have straightened their crooked backs in resounding defiance of Bachmann's association. Let's hope we the United States won't have to suffer the effects of a Bachmann/Tea Party 'Oops Baby.'

And that, as Richard Nixon would say, is that.

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