Saturday, July 30, 2011

Gobbledy Gook, Part One

For those who haven't had a chance to sunbath out from under your rock, one-woman dynamo Merrill Garbus is back with another helping of her pedal-pushing extravaganza tUnE-yArDs. The album, WHO KILL, is ten tracks of pop bliss filtered through Captain Beefheart's cerebellum. Most would dismiss her utilization of loop-pedals as mere smoke and mirrors; but here, where there's smoke, there's fire. Unlike contemporaries, Garbus makes the technology work for her, not vice versa. She even has a friend join her in the studio, bassist Nate Brenner, to capture the jumpy moxy of her live performances. And do they ever pull it off.

Check out this live performance of the song "Doorstep" (currently my favorite song from the album), recorded at KEXP's studio. Words, music - everything is in tip-top shape here.

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