Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Beware, Criminal

If anyone reads this and is voting in the midterm elections, do NOT vote for Christine O'Donnell. Then again, anyone who could vote for her would have to live in Delaware.

Gary and Kay (those are my girlfriend's aunt and uncle) live in Maine, so they're not in that demographic. But anyway, anyone who I know that lives in Delaware would already understand that voting for a housewife with television time is not a good decision.

Because that's all Christine O'Donnell is.

She is correct: she isn't a witch. She was probably on some PTA staff, and all the other parents thought she was just the bee's knees and wouldn't she like to run for local office.

But no...local office? Why not national office you gang of small-sighted gaywads? I'M GONNA BE A SENATOR MUTHA FUCKAS!

This is who this woman is, I believe. Christina O'Donnell is just a house wife with important friends being fed a steady diet of rhetoric by career politicians. This diet has given her strength because it is full of empty words, not unlike calories. O'Donnell is being fattened up for the slaughter, in a matter of speaking.
She will enjoy herself, oh yes. She will enjoy herself. But once she is drunk on all of the media attention, as well as the circumstantial sway she has and will acquire because of this attention, O'Donnell will be lead out into the harsh light of reality. Everything will appear to be normal - a campaign convention here, a private dinner there. But the scene will change on her in quite a New York minute.
If the road to November 2 has been a saunter through a Temple Grandin corral, then we need to consider the debates as full-on Brecht. The Tea Party (or the Republicans, or G.O.P. or whoever the hell is leaving these morsels of goodness for O'Donnell to follow) is laying a path to the air gun at the end of the line.

In short: Christine O'Donnell is being set up. But I can't bring myself to feel sorry for her, because she is a greed-head and a nincompoop. I will breathe easier when she is back to her old schedule: acting as stenographer at PTA meetings and being occasionally reminded in the grocery store that she resembles Sarah Palin.

And that, as Richard Nixon would say, is that.

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