Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Hurambe Salute Gets You Farther Along in the KFC Pick-Up Line, but Then Again It Would Get You Farther In Any Pick-Up Line

What is Christmas all about?Blah-blah, gay sex. Blah-blah, congress. That's what Christmas is all about.

'Tis the season' seems to be an excuse to do good things for one another one week out of the 52.365 that make up the average year. It sort of pisses me off. Santa was more than likely attacked by an Arab. And he held up the little girl on his lap to absorb the first hail of bullets, too. Beware the False Santa! He speaks in half-truths and boorish grunts.

Anyway, watch "A Huey Freeman Christmas" whenever you can. Make the police siren stop.

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