Friday, August 14, 2009

Roger Rabbit Goes to Town

The days here are just getting hotter, which is not a good sign. A summer that ends in sweltering nausea can only mean a very moist winter. Maybe it won't be too cold, but there will be a hell of a lot of snow.

I've made a resolution, and this time I mean it: alcohol is a treat, not a necessity. Not that I'm a drunk or anything, but I think it's been a few months since I haven't had at least a beer every day. After this bottle of wine I bought the other day, liquor will not be a staple in this household any longer. If it comes to pass that there are a few extra dollar bills on the week's paycheck, then perhaps a few cold ones are in order, or even a bottle of good booze. I can't afford to wantonly spend money any longer. Cutting down is a necessity.

Animation is hot again, thanks to Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, but they picked the wrong test audience. Teenage couples couldn't give a shit about cartoon noir. They only want to screw. Give Bob Hoskins to another audience. They will appreciate him.

What could an English vacuum like you possibly want with a glass of bourbon like me? I'll only blow your top; they don't sell replacement parts like yours in the States. There are Chinese boxers out there who are begging to be lead around; go out and knock them dead before they knock you first. Don't take my word for it, and don't listen to that fucking cab - do what you want! But mark my words, trouble is the only thing you'll find if you follow this path. Weasels catch up quickly. And steer clear of any Whites. Their legs are long and their feet are dangerous. The common hatchet was designed after their hands, so don't stand too close to any trees, either. You'll be able to see the sun shining off of their heads from at least three miles away, so take care not to find yourself under any patches of clouds. Now go: the wall is down, the acetone is at your ankles and the world is at your feet. Go into the happy sunrise and find yourself a good life, one with more colors. Say good-bye to that flat matte yawn you frequented before, and greet this wheel with open arms. Keep your feet moving, though. The merry-go-round may have broke down, but them crooked vultures are very much alive.

Yams before dinner
What a joy it is for Klaus
Thank you kangaroo

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