Thursday, February 25, 2016

190n120: 30 Years of Music with Adam Johnson...Episode Eight: "Quotation, n: The act of repeating erroneously the words of another"

174. Dire Straits - Brothers In Arms (1985)

Pop-rock songs for guitar nerds. If Peter Frampton hadn't been so pretty, he would have been Mark Knopfler. Also, the lyrics are heads and shoulders above the trite loveliness of Frampton Comes Alive. So, stupid story short, Brothers In Arms is way more than just a Sting cameo. Knopfler's guitar style is so unique, "Weird Al" Yankovic insisted he play the lead on his parody "Beverly Hillbillies" ( was Knopfler).

Recommended Listening:  So Far Away, Money For Nothing, Brothers In Arms

173. Shel Silverstein - Crouchin' On the Outside (1971)

I didn't know Shel Silverstein made any kind of music until Mike Hayes gifted me a flashdrive full of songs. He was so angry (Shel Silverstein), he was so on point, and he was so fucking funny that I fell in love immediately. A few months later I was wandering through North Street Records and 'bam' - a mostly undocumented compilation album with the strangest artwork/centerfold I've come by so far in an LP record. I was unaware social commentary could be as goofy as it was biting while still maintaining a level of integrity.

Shel, you so crazy...

Recommended Listening: Modern Talk, Ever Lovin' Machine, Testing the Bomb

172. Yo La Tengo - I Am Not Afraid of You and I Will Beat Your Ass (2006)

I knew nothing about this band when I ordered this CD through North Street Records' special-order catalogue, the album title alone sold me. Turns out, they're an indie rock institution carrying the sigil of the Velvets into the Clinton era and beyond. Even when they sound sweeter than sugar, YLT are aggressively unconventional, and I Am Not Afraid of You and I Will Beat Your Ass is a highly literate testament to their 'do it your way' ethics.

171. Gorillaz - Demon Days (2005)

When you're young and stupid, most music is understood genre to genre: rock, rap, pop, r&b etc. This is a natural categorization process that can be necessary when shaping taste; this is attractive, that is not. Gorillaz take all the best parts from every "genre" and force them to work toward a much greater sum - music. Damon Albarn brings a fantasy guest list to life for sake of music, a bright, comfy patchwork to keep you warm in the summer.

Their first offering was ahead of my class, for one, and owed more to hip-hop, a school of thought I'm still learning to love. Demon Days proved that the answer to the old axiom "Can't we all just get along?" was "Disco dance block party sermon".

Recommended Listening: O Green World, Feel Good Inc., El Manana, Fire Coming Out of A Monkey's Head, Don't Get Lost In Heaven/Demon Days

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