Tuesday, November 18, 2008

October 20, 2008

My pain is better than your pain. My pain is fueled by adrenaline, not fear. My pain can rip a stop sign out of the ground and beat a cop to death with it. My pain can tear down a brick building with its bare hands. My pain can kick a Honda Civic over a two-story house.
My pain has a soundtrack: Black Flag, the Misfits, Swans, Nick Cave, the Stooges, Lou Reed, Killing Joke, Tomahawk, Fantomas. These sounds understand my pain. My pain laughs at your pain because it is weak. Your pain can't deal like my pain can. My pain is separate. Your pain is a dictator. Learn to deal with your pain, then get back to me.

- Later -

So I was being a bit melodramatic, so what?

I got my toe taken care of today and it's about damn time, let me tell you. Got there at about quarter til eleven. I didn't want to get dicked around any longer. A month and a half is long enough to put up with this shit. Of course I had to wait behind a few old people, but that's an inconvenience one can't avoid at a medical facility. Pretty much on the button, Mike the Male Nurse (he says he's not a nurse, but he is) take me on back and preps me.

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