Tuesday, November 18, 2008

October 17, 2008

I've been getting jerked around today and I'm not particularly glad about it. At work, Geoff in flooring was fucking with me while I was trying to help a customer on the phone. She was looking for an electric auger, something to put on a hand-held apparatus and use like a drill. I radioed the garden department and asked if we carried anything like that. Usually crabby Steve affably tells me that we don't carry anything like that, but we do have a sort of hand-held tiller. I inform the lady about this development and she asks how much that may be.

I get back on the radio and ask ow much the hand-held auger is. Steve tells me that is not an auger. Someone else gets on the radio and tries to be funny, saying "800 dollars." Another voice comes over the radio and says, "We don't have augers." I then ask this all these useless voices, "Whatever we do have, how much is that, please."

The second voice comes back and says, like a wise-ass, "How much is that auger?" Steve becomes aurally impatient and says, "We don't have augers, we have tillers." Now the first voice comes back and says again, "800 dollars." Steve has had enough by now and blindly growls, "Look it up yourself." Now I'm stuck without anyone to help me. I ask the customer to wait just a minute while I track down their elusive product.

I have now a new pen. It is purple.

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