Tuesday, September 9, 2008

September 3, 2008

So McCain thinks he can show some initiative and get himself a lady running mate, eh? He's not fooling me. Here's what he did: go through all the senators claiming Republican party-ship (senators, so he can at least stay within an idiom he's familiar with); which are men and which are a minority (because a woman running mate would win some attention at least, even if the votes don't don't come in); which part of the country is less prime for upset (in other words, where are the minorities not - less chance for strife); and last but not least, what would be the most obvious. The American people have proven themselves gullible time and time again. The best choice for an erroneous front would therefore be the most obvious face for covering up an erroneous front. Telling everyone your battle strategy is the best way of losing their attention. My theory is he's doing this intentionally; McCain wants to lose so badly he can taste it. The sinister alternative - he is a brewing a shit storm that will wash this country clean. Forecast pending.

- Later -

Having a sit down. Only took one of my guaranteed 15 minute breaks today. I just ran out of things to pretend doing.

- Even Later -

I've got an idea. I just don't feel like getting another notebook:

The men would describe him as old. Asked later about their thoughts, one even said, "The old man had a point." Even his son thought him to be old. That is why he is here. Because he is old, he is expected to surrender. Because he is old, he is expected to forget his past and accept the future. Because he is old, he is expected to die. None of these men have to the right to expect such things from him. According to their documents, however, they have every right. He cannot read their documents. Why do they hold power over him? He can barely even make his tongue conform to their language. Why does this language hold power over him? He has heard them speak. His son ha made attempts at teaching him, the old man. He is not old, but he is by no means young. He knows the fate which befalls old men. They are expected to surrender. They are expected to forget. They are expected to die. These men think him to be an old man. But he uses his mind like a young man. He uses his mind better than a young man. The young men would use their minds for retribution, violently and slovenly. He uses his mind in the keenest fashion. He lets the men believe he is old. He deceives his son by repeating a language lesson incorrectly. He uses his mind to prevent an inevitable fate: he will not become an old man.

The men are waiting. Their patience has held for quite some time. They think him to be an old man; old men are burdened with slow minds. His mind is racing. He wants to effect them in such a way that they will never remember him as an old man. He will use their language against them.

"I hear you use words," he says at last. The men are stunned. The old man can speak English?

"We use a lot of words, chief," replies one of the men. He is not a chief, and these men know that. They are using their minds as well. They are using ignorance as a weapon just the same as he is. He is no longer a chief. He is supposed to be an old man.
"You use words for we," he says. "You use words for they - workers, serve you, slave for you."
His tongue can barely conform to their language.
"You say we 'intruders'. You say they 'nigger'." A word he never understood until he heard himself say it. Now he can effect them.
"I see you treat we. I hear you use words for we. Now I know how you fit we. They not 'nigger'. They not 'intruders'. They skin dark. We dark. We find first land. You 'intruders'. You 'niggers'. Not we. Not they. We dark. They dark. You 'niggers'. Not we. Not they. You." Now he could be an old man. Now he could surrender. He had effected them. Now he could die.

*That's all fine and good, Cheryl. But there's more to it than that.
+ Oh, you mean all that man talk I never can understand.

*See - how are we gonna' miss with a tune like that?
+ Dave, from the heart - terrible.

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